Butterfly Cauldron
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Yo ho ho

Apparently, I'm a pretty easy-to-please movie goer. Because I've been reading reviews that Pirates 3 was crap and hard to follow, and yet I found it funny and insanely easy to follow. Hrm.
So...Pirates! I've got a group of friends I go to movies and lunch with every few weeks. it's fun. So, Saturday it was Pirates day. I really liked this movie. I didn't find it hard to follow at all. I didn't find all that the 'backstabs' unexpected or the intro too long. The special effects were awesome and the dialogue was really funny.
And Elizabeth seriously kicked ass. Finally. Unlike the last two movies, I don't think she had a single moment of "female" wimpiness in the whole flick. There was none of this "I have to save Elizabeth' crap this time around. Because everyone finally figured out she could take care of herself. Yay.
Oh, also -- don't piss off a Goddess! Idiots. Why is there a giant whirlpool suddenly appearing? Because you pissed off a Goddess. Why is there suddenly rain? See: Goddess, pissed off.
There were some awesome scenes. The return of the Dutchman with her new captain. The end of the poor, poor Endeavor. The series of scenes of them getting into Davy Jones Locker. Awesome.
And yes, it's a long movie, but I didn't really notice how long it was. So, that's good. Unlike Spiderman 3, when I noticed it was long. It doesn't feel long, because there's constant action. You get an explanation for how Barbosa is back from the dead. Everything seems to get resolved, but there's still open the possiblity of another movie. For part of the crew, anyway. Although, I don't think there needs to be another one. It's a nice enough ending as it is.
So, go see it. It's a good popcorn movie, although it won't make you think or change the world. But what do you want? It's got Johnny Deep. And Orlando Bloom actually looks like an adult with dark hair. Plus -- Elizabeth kicks ass. Seriously.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
We can be Heroes
Overall, I loved it. I predicted how it would end long ago, but I still loved it. But a few things annoyed me.
The good:
The bad:
So, I'd watch it Friday night on SciFi, if I were you. In fact, I'll be watching it again myself. Because it's THAT good.
Also, next season? I want it to start already. We've been promised that the show will be more global -- more Heroes from other countries, not so Americentric. Which I'm all for. Think of it, truely strong women of color? Brown men presented as heroes, not terrorists? Proof of a world beyond our shores? Really? I'm impressed.
Labels: fun, television
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Boys are strange
Anyway. . .boys. Very strange. The Boy has apparently decided he's no longer into me. Which is fine, just that he has decided to demonstrate his done-ness by simply not talking to me anymore. It's all very strange. One day, we're seeing how long we can stay naked, the next he's all not speaking to me. Very odd. About two weeks ago, he asked me to play hooky from work and spend the day in bed with him. So, I'm all for that. Took the day off, waited for him and when did he get to my house? 2 p.m.! And then did we get naked? Uh. No. He was all laying on the couch, watching my t.v. and that was okay, I was thinking. We had the rest of the night. Except, he decided he had to go biking. Uh huh. He asked me to take the day off work, to spend it in bed with him, and what does he do? Arg. Anyway, I was already starting to feel bad then and well, I got a bit annoyed. ( I was running a fever.) And so, I basically told him not to ask me to take the day off if he wasn't going to spend it with me. So, he seemed to be okay with it and everything seemed fine and now...he's not talking to me. Oh well. He was sweet, but well...21. Anyway, I just wanted more sex! Dammit. See, when you break a celibacy spell and your body remembers things and then it's denied again? GAH! So, now I'm horny all the damned time and there's no Boy to help me take the edge off. Bastard.
So, that Boy is done. But! There's another Boy on the horizon. This one seems much more serious. He's 40, to start out with. And he's got a daughter. We've been talking for awhile and we're both giant SciFi geeks, so this has possibliities. And if he doesn't work out, there's another guy in Lafayette. Also of-age (36), so maybe I won't get the immature Boy go-round. Here's hoping.
Anyway, I'm still feeling pretty run down, so posting will prolly stay light. But I'm reading and I'm not dead. Yay!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Did someone suggest Moi was not adorable?
Gaze upon me, mere humans, and whimper with jealousy that you are not as glorious as I.
Puny human. How dare you assume I would be amused by your feathers!
Come, feather, let me bite you. Hmm. You taste like lizard.
These feathers, they amuse me.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Sex: A working definition
So anyway, they all found my definition funny. They agreed with it, but, it's funny. See, I think anything that involves any degree of nakedness and someone having a Big O is sex. And actually, the nakedness is optional, since you can do a hell of a lot while fully clothed. You might not be getting off, but if the person you're with is, you're having sex. Maybe not good sex, but still. . .
There are degrees, of course. (I tend to class them as "things that will send me running to the clinic and things that won't", but your mileage may vary.) Maybe I just have an expansive view of sex. Maybe it's because I'm bi and don't think the penis is the end-all-be-all of sexual experience. Maybe it's because I'm into BDSM. I don't know, but I think a lot of things qualify as sex.
I have ego enough to believe my view of sex is healthier than the view that says penis+vagina only. It's not the view I was raised with, so I have an interest in owning it, as it were. Once I got over the whole PIV is THE real thing, I started being much more comfortable with myself and my desires and the things that make me Oh So Happy. The whole body becomes a buffet to be enjoyed, without the goal being fitting Tab A into Slot B.
So, let's here it. How do you define sex?
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Quick Hit: Naked Bodies? Ok. Naked Breast Cancer Survivor? Banned!

This picture, painted by Rhon Drinkwater, was banned from an art show because it was deemed 'not family friendly'. The show contained other nudes, but this one was the only one deemed unacceptable. Why? Well, that's the question isn't it? The full story is here.
I'm sorry, but what's not 'family friendly' about this painting? When other nudes are being allowed?
Labels: art, outrage, stupid people
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Found it.
I want it put just above my ankle on the front of my right leg. Now, I just need to screw up the courage. Gah.
Labels: tattoo
Fear of a naked fat woman
I started this year off with a request. I asked the Universe to help me become more at ease with my body and the pleasure it can bring me. I've spent the last six or seven years getting acquainted with the pain my body can bring me. I wanted this year to be different. So, I requested that the Universe send me people who would help me do that, help me get in touch with the joy my body can bring me and to help me accept it, regardless of what shape that help too. I'm generally pretty damned picky, wanting partners to be 'just so', dismissing people out of hand. Oh, I can't go out with him, he's too XXX or she's too YYY. I tend to think myself out of things and in doing that, I deny myself a great many experiences. So, this year, it's going to be different.
And, low and behold, the Universe listened. She sent me The Boy and made him very insistant, even when I tried to pull my usual number and ignore what I was being sent. So, I finally give in and just go with it. And it's been lovely. It reallly has, although I'm not seeing a longterm relationship here. But then again, who knows? I've been wrong before.
So, what's my problem? Even when he's touching me, there's this little voice in the back of my head wondering how he can stand it. How can he stand looking at my naked body? It's not beautiful. It's not even close to 'normal'. It's fat and ugly. At least, that's the voice in my head. I don't really believe that, I think. At least, I don't most of the time. Most of the time, I'm certain I'm adorable and desirable and deserving of love and pleasure. And yet, when I'm naked . . . In my head, I keep asking the question. How can you stand this? Don't you think you could do better?
And I want to cry, because I can't stand that I think of myself that way. And I know it's in my head, that it's all me. None of the men I've ever been with has so much as suggested that I needed to lose weight. Even when I'd gained a good 50 lbs., my Ex couldn't stop touching me. He never stopped telling me he thought I was beautiful and it was clear he thought I was desirable. And The Boy? He's so sweet. He seems shocked that I want him. And I don't understand that. Because. . .I don't know why he wants me.
See, I can understand why someone would love me. That's not the issue. I just don't know why anyone would desire me. How awful is that? Confident in my ability to inspire love, but not lust. *sigh* Which is stupid, because clearly, I've been inspiring at least one man of late. (Not that this stupidity is stopping me from enjoying him. Hell no. I'm messed up, but I'm not stupid.)
And then, I wonder, do all women feel that way, regardless of their size? Are we all struck dumb when someone expresses desire for us? Or is it easy for others? Because, if you ask me about anything else, I'm totally sure of myself. But in this one area? I just. . .I know I deserve to be loved and wanted and desired. I just can't understand why anyone would want that. And so, my brain, it hurts.