Butterfly Cauldron

Monday, May 29, 2006

Surgery bad, pain killers good or What I did with my Family Medical Leave time off

So, I'm not dead. I just had surgery a few weeks ago. Minor thing, but you know, not really up to blogging. But I'm better now and so...

Random Stuff I'm reading:

To bleed or not to bleed, is that the question?Well, that's what they're asking over at Feministing. This is one of those issues that sorta makes me feel like a Bad Feminist . Then, I get over it. Frankly, if you want to stop your periods, go for it. If you want to have them, go for it. It's your body, after all. Isn't that one of the points of feminism? Women get to make decisions regarding what they will or will not do with their bodies? Even if those decisions turn out to be bad for them in the end? (And no, I don't think stopping your period will be bad for you in the end. I'm just saying, even if it should, it's still a decision each woman has the right to make for herself.) I'm particularly disturbed by the idea that not having your period makes you somehow less in touch with your body, your essential femininity. I'm sorry (no, actually, I'm not) but my ability to bleed or to carry a baby is not what makes me a woman. It's not where I seat my power as a human being and it's not what I want anyone using to define me. Admittedly, there are many people who will do so regardless of my wishes. I just don't see why other women would want to get on that particular train. That's the train that leads to 'it's natural for woman to have children, therefore, all women should have children, even those that don't want them, can't raise them and would damage them.' I've yet to see anyone make the agruement that, because men can naturally father children, it is every man's responsiblity to go out and father as many children as possible, regardless of his personal feelings/wants/needs/abilities. In fact, I regularly see men trying to get out of their responsibility to children they already have.

In the end, this is one of (many, I'm afraid) issues I simply disagree with The Feminist Handbook on. (You got one of those when you signed up, didn't you? Big, black book written on recycled paper in 100 percent biodegradable ink lovely crafted by homeless Tibetan orphans paid a sustainable wage and given room and board? Mine's got "I'm not a lesbian, but I hate men" on the inside cover. Or something.)* On one hand, it's just not that big an issue. Really, we've got so much more to worry about -- does it really matter if the woman sitting next to you at the pro-choice planning meeting is taking a pill to stop her bleeding or not? If all your choices are taken away, it's not going to matter anyway, is it? When sex ed is so screwed up that kids may not even understand WHY a woman menstruates, much less that there are ways to control it, is it really that important if Susie decides she prefers disposable pads to Lunapads? If we end up in the dark about how our bodies work, this whole thing is a moot point.

Although, I have to say, I can get behind the idea of Lunapads. It's not my thing, but I can understand and support it. Frankly, I've got too many medical issues already. My purse is full of meds and other medical stuff that I have to keep up with; I'm not game to add one more. But, you know, that's a personal choice. Which is the point, really.

* For the humor impaired -- that's sarcasm, 'k? There is no feminist handbook. There are lots of feminist out there, with lots of different ideas. We don't all agree on everything, which is what makes us so much fun! Disagreeing on an issue (or two or ten, really, depending on what they are) will not get you kicked out of the feminist club. Oh, and I don't hate men. Although, I am a part-time lesbian.** Go figure.
** For the seriously humor impaired -- I'm also a part-time straight girl. Full-time, I'm bisexual. Oh gods! We do exist! The shock, the horror, the please-get-over-yourself-already.
posted by Zan at 9:47 AM


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